Sunday, April 29, 2012



Obesity is like an infectious disease these days. It has become pandemic!
In fact, 1.5 billion people are overweight and 500 million are obese out of seven billion people all around the world these days. This weight problem has been one of the factors that predispose individuals to various illnesses like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer and so on. Therefore, weight loss has become a necessity both for aesthetic purposes and for health needs.

However, some people find losing weight as an issue that is more difficult to be solved than the world’s economic problem. Aside from the physical exhaustion that weight loss programs cause, they are even becoming expensive for other individuals.

Weight loss is truly a challenging goal. But, the challenge is worth trying than giving up without taking chances at all. There are different ways to fulfill such goal in a safer and affordable ways by remembering the acronym DISCIPLINE.

·         Decrease caloric intake
·         Increase physical activities
·         Stay away from too much alcohol and fatty food intake
·         Chew food properly
·         Intake of weight loss products must be consulted to the doctor
·         Processed foods no more
·         Learn patience
·         Impose adequate sleep
·         Never starve self abruptly
·         Eliminate stress

A person must fully understand that weight is dependent on the amount of calories taken in and the daily physical activities done. Whether it is in the form of physical work or exercise, move those muscles! Movements allow the muscles to use up the extra calories from the food a person has eaten. Although the body has natural activities to burn calories, still they might not be sufficient when the amount of caloric intake is more than what the body requires. Otherwise, extra calories will build up in the body tissues resulting to weight increase.

Alcohol and fatty foods must be limited. These two are not a good combination. Alcohol takes the spot of carbs and lipid (fat) as priority of the body for metabolism because it’s indeed easier to break down. The principle of burning substances in the body is that “the easier to break down comes first.” This means that the more alcohol a person consumes, the longer it would take before the body gets the time to burn calories from carbs, fats, protein and other sources. Consequently, the calories from these substances will be converted and stored as body fat.

Moreover, every food must be chewed slowly and longer. After twenty to forty minutes, some hormones (leptin, cholestokinnen and ghrelin) will signal the brain that stomach is full. Therefore, lesser food will be consumed if chewing is prolonged compared to those who eat faster.  

In terms of weight loss products, there are some that are FDA approved. However, any form of drug (pills) and other synthetic substances can never be detached from side effects. The best method of losing weight is still the conventional and natural method. Similarly, avoid consumption of processed foods because most of them contain high level of saturated fats or bad cholesterol that is one of the predisposing factors of obesity.

Another way to trim down weight is by being patient in following all the natural health tips. Weight loss is never instant. It takes time. In fact, most of those products that promised instant drop of weight had put several obese people into life-threatening conditions. The body needs time to adjust to new type of diet and activities. Abrupt changes like what those weight loss pills do would result to imbalance in the metabolic processes of the body.

Furthermore, take adequate sleep of at least 8 hours daily. Individuals who stay awake until late night might feel hungry because the brain and other organs need calories to sustain activities. Eating at night aside from dinner is unhealthy because the metabolic process at night is slower compared to daytime. This is due to the fact that the body has been programmed to rest at night and metabolic processes are expected to be lesser at resting state.

Likewise, never starve self abruptly. Some people think that starving or avoiding food is one way to lose weight but it is the other way around. Starving one’s self can make a person indulge self into binge eating. When a person is very hungry, the more food is needed to satisfy hunger. The best way is to gradually reduce amount of food intake. For instance, reduce 3 cups of rice into 3 ½ for the first week and then reduce another half the following week until one’s stomach is satisfied with just 1 cup of rice. Last but not the least, eliminate stress. Some people have the tendency to eat more when stressed out. The body also releases cortisol that slows down metabolism (burning of calories)
Overall, weight loss comes with DISCIPLINE!

Author Bio
Nitin Ajwani likes networking with health professionals and talking about nursing scrubs and medical scrubs. 


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