Monday, September 5, 2011

Tips For Preparing Herbal Tea


We will talk a lot about the benefits of herbs of all kinds and you should know that there are different ways to take herbs. Just in your local herb shop and you see Äôll capsules, tinctures or extracts, and bulk herbs. And if in bulk, they are like leaves, roots and bark. So what, AOS best to get the most from your herbal healing?
The answer is, it depends on the herb you, Aore, but I Aom a strong supporter of taking herbs in their most simple and direct form: as an herbal tea. Tea are great because they are larger doses are taken without indigestion or create a more powerful and therefore more effective dose to take. Because herbs are not drugs or chemicals, most of the time, you Aore not going to one or two small capsules to take, and many of their full therapeutic benefit experience. But take the example of a marshmallow root as a calming herb used to soothe sore throat, urinary pain, and many more, are quite powerful to brew your own tea convenience, but if you try it with a large number of capsules The one day, could not agree with you as well and you just get the same effect as drinking it, AOS whole herb tea. So how do you make herbal tea? There are two ways: infusion and decoction. An infusion made from the leaves make it like a cup of black tea, a ¶. You boil water and then steep the herbs in the drinking water until the temperature, and then you strain, and drink it. A decoction is made from the roots, bark, seeds or fruit of an herb, which because of their hard or woody constitution should be boiled for 15-25 minutes in order to obtain the voters in the solution.


If you are going to a tea made from two to, you can boil the carrots and then add the leaves to steep as you remove from the heat. Normally, such a tea in 1-2 liters of water. If you are making a decoction, then the two quarters will amount to about 1 1 / 2 quarters of the time you're done, and this should be taken within 24 hours, because it will spoil and stink, can Äîyou refrigerator you tea for one day, if you want.


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