Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Major Cause for tooth decay And Effective solutions


Tooth decay or dental carries is a bacterial infection that causes demineralization of the cementum, enamels, and dentin. They produce an acid by hydrolysis of the food debris that is accumulated on the surface of the tooth – it is this process that destroys the organic matter of the tooth.

Basically, it is the combination of foods and bacterial materials that cause tooth decay. A clear sticky substance called plaque is usually formed on the teeth, this substance contains a bacterium that feed on sugars in foods, and while feeding on these sugars, they produce an acid. If this acid stays on the tooth for a very long period of time, the enamel will be destroyed – causing tooth decay.

The health of your teeth is very important just as the health of other parts of your body is. This is not because you need to flash off a celebrity smile but because the balance and safety of your internal metabolism and immunity to an extent depends on your teeth. 

You need your teeth to be free from plaque and bacteria so that foods passing through the mouth will remain safe.

Teeth whitening toothpaste are not the only method of removing stains from the teeth, so here are some other alternative you might want to consider.

Brush properly, it might sound silly, but the truth is that so many people hardly keep to the rule of brushing twice a day, most of them will just rush though the process like it was a boring ritual, and as if that is not enough most people eat their breakfast before brushing, causing more particles to store up in the mouth and the spaces between the teeth.

You must pay attention to the type of toothbrush you are using, make sure your toothbrush is a bristled one, because a hard toothbrush can actually make dentins heave away from the teeth. When brushing the movement of your hand matters so make sure that all parts of the teeth gets a touch of the brush.

 Floss your teeth properly especially after eating. There may be food particles in the gap between each tooth’s root, which will decay and turn against the health of your teeth.

Herbal medicines are good alternatives, and in fact, they are one of the safest and easiest ways to keep white sets of teeth. There are various herbs that can be used to treat different teeth disorders. There are also some herbs that can be used to carry out proper and effective dental care.

Essential oils are often considered as a very good natural remedy for the purpose of dental care, because they have been in use since ages and have shown to give great results. Peppermint and spearmint oil has been known to help in this regard. They can be applied for the purpose of getting rid of bad breath – most whitening toothpaste cannot help in this regard.

You can also drink herbal teas as they have positive outcomes on almost all parts of the body including the teeth. The anti-oxidizing properties in the tea will help eliminate harmful radicals and are very beneficial to the gums and teeth.

You can also take vitamin supplements that will help you sustain the good health of your teeth, some of them are usually recommended for teeth issues.

An overall dental care will no doubt decrease the chances of having tooth decay and making your teeth healthy in better ways than any best whitening toothpaste can.

Rene S. Rolland is a mother and the owner of www.bestacnetreatmentz.com where she shares tips on acne blemishes and also gives away a FREE report on the four things that causes acne and how to eliminate them in 7 days


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