Saturday, October 1, 2011

Soil :- World Beneath you Feet


There are complex under the feet of the invisible world and it is necessary that the effort to develop respect for state land affect plant growth.

The land is a mixture of small particles of rock, living organisms, chemicals and dead remains of plants and animals. The space between the particles will also contain a certain amount of air and water depending on the type of terrain.

Rocks near the Earth € ™ s surface is slowly divided into the nature of a process called interference. Finally, small particles such as sand, silt and clay are formed. These particles create the environment for billions of mostly tiny organisms to live. Larger organisms such as earthworms and insects are also found in soil. Healthy soil is full of life.

The main goal as a hobby farmer is thus to try to improve the health of soil by good governance. Poor management can lead to loss of fertility and soil degradation. In extreme cases worthy of the topsoil can be blown or washed away. Finally, poor soils lead to low quality crops lacking in the diet.

Below are some examples of test plans to carry out my farm to improve soil fertility.

1) Conduct a pH test in different places. This test will determine if the soil is acid, alkaline or neutral. Most plants prefer pH around 6.5. You need to be too many pH level (below 6) corrections can be made by adding lime. You need to be too high pH value (above 7) this can be reduced by adding lots of organic matter and mulch. Extremely alkaline soil can be changed by adding ground sulfur.

2) Check the soil texture soil by rubbing some moist soil between your fingers. This will help determine the type of soil present. Sandy soil will have a rough feel. The land dried quickly. Adding lots of organic matter will improve sandy soils. Very sandy soil can also be improved by adding clay. If the soil feels sticky when rubbed contains too much clay. Clay soils drain slowly and hard to work when wet. Adding gypsum will help in most cases. Land should have a good balance of sand, silt and clay will be blessed with a clay soil. These lands are generally easy to operate and require no treatment.

3) Check the level of organic matter in soil. This can be done by hand shaking the country in a jar and see how much organic matter floats to the surface. If only a thin layer is present on the surface, lots of organic matter needs to be added. This means that more micro-organisms can be maintained, this will in turn deliver essential health giving chemicals needed by plants.

Above tests are simple to implement and more information is available on these topics. Further tests require equipment or a soil testing company to analyze the soil. These include salinity, especially if the bore water is used. Individual soil nutrient levels of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, as well as the level of trace elements can also be measured. Other aspects, such as fertilizer application and cultivation practices that maintain soil structure also need attention.

Land care requires years of experience and looking to older gardeners will give you many important tips. Also, experienced gardeners can often identify problems by looking at the general appearance of land plants. Getting the shovel and digging around will give you information on conditions such as excessive dryness vaterlogging.

Do all you can to look after the soil and allow plants to perform magic task of turning manure and compost into healthy and nutritious food.


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