Thursday, September 15, 2011

Triphala: Ayurvedic Daily Tonic


Triphala is one of the most common herb in Ayurvedic medicine fit and I love it because it is simply put, it's the cure for many diseases. The three fruits contained in Triphala, Haritaki, Amalaki and Bibhitaki, each corresponding to one of the three humors or doshas of Indian Ayurvedic medicine.

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The uses of Mint


Cooling freshness of peppermint is loved by all, is not it? Most of us associate leaf / plant with exceptionally fresh breath, but most are rarely pick up a bunch of mint from the market will be used for other purposes and it is a shame! Whether Spearmint, peppermint or other type of mint (by the way, I love chocolate mint-leaves I chop some more fresh fruit and have a nice, low-cal dessert!) Mint is used for are nearly endless. Fresh or dried, leaves a nice warm, fresh, aromatic and sweet flavor with a cool taste and a great in teas, jellies, syrups, candies and ice cream.

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Benefits Of Coconut Oil


Coconut oil makes the return to health of the industry in many ways. Although he received a lot of bad rap because of one study that found hydrogenated form is bad for your health, in terms of heart disease and cholesterol, we now know that the hydrogenation of guilty, not just the coconut oil.

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Friday, September 9, 2011

Effects of Alcohol On Human Body


Alcohol addiction initially creates a sense of relaxation and cheerfulness, but further use can cause many problems. Alcohol consumption is an addictive drug that can significantly increase sleep problems. During withdrawal and alcohol withdrawal, sleep disturbances keeping the biggest causes of relapse. Various quantities of alcohol consumption in the human body has different effects. However, tolerance differs significantly between individuals, the effects of alcohol consumption vary between people.

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Skin Tag Treatments


What are skin tags? The medical community calls acrochordon papilloma skin tag skin or tiny growths are benign, but can be annoying. Skin tags form in areas where the skin forms creases, such as neck, armpits and groin. They may also appear on the face, usually on the eyelids. Skin tags seem to appear in middle age, and are typically an inch in size although may be as 5 mm in size. Some of the color of the surrounding skin and some significantly darker epidermis.

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Causes And Remedies For Soar Throat


Throat pain is a common problem well. One is said to suffer from throat pain when farenks or back in the throat becomes inflamed. Membrane that covers farenks power turned red in case of sore throat pain. When pain occurs, many of throat irritation, sore throat. The patient may find it difficult to swallow food and voice turn anroue power. There may also be post-nasal drip if the inflammation of the nose was broken. Gangliyon lymph may also become swollen and turn evil. Cough, chills, fever, headaches, ear aches, stuffy or runny nose running, etc. may accompany the nose throat hurt. What causes this problem may be listed as follows:

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Monday, September 5, 2011

Tips For Preparing Herbal Tea


We will talk a lot about the benefits of herbs of all kinds and you should know that there are different ways to take herbs. Just in your local herb shop and you see Äôll capsules, tinctures or extracts, and bulk herbs. And if in bulk, they are like leaves, roots and bark. So what, AOS best to get the most from your herbal healing?

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Magnetic Therapy for Joint Pain


Historically, reported that magnets around for an extremely long time. Magnets were first documented around 2500-3000 years BC. Their origin was first noted in Asia Minor in a vast land called Magnesia. The soil was enriched with iron oxide which attracted metals. The locals named it Magnetite.

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Joint Pain And Its Remedies


When the ends of two or more bones are connected with the help of thick bands of tissue called ligaments, this is known as joint. Eg leg bone knee forms, known as the shin or tibia and the femur is known as the thigh.

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Sunday, September 4, 2011

Five common herbs to treat burns



Treatment with herbs has a long history in treating burns and has been used for medicinal purposes for ages. Aloe Vera, Calendula, Comfrey root, Goldenseal, and Tea Tree are one of the most effective herbal remedies for burned skin. Find out how to treat a burn using these amazing herbs. 

Aloe Vera : relief from burns
Studies have shown that Aloe Vera helps new skin cells form and speeds healing. Calendula is anti-inflammatory and antiseptic. Because Aloe Vera has a cooling effect, this plant offers relief from burns and reduce blistering when applied immediately after receiving a burn.
How do you treat a burn with Aloe Vera? Use a gel and apply it 3 � 4 times daily
Calendula : anti-inflammatory and antibacterial
Also called marigold, calendula is a common ingredient in skin medications. This plant contains flavonoids, which are antioxidants that protect the body against free radicals that damage the cells. Researchers are still not sure what active ingredients in calendula are responsible for its healing properties. Calendula has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects and has been proved to speed healing of burns. It may be because it increases blood flow to the burned area.
How to treat a burn with calendula? Use a gel or ointment and apply it topically several times a day.
Comfrey root: regeneration of cells
Comfrey promotes the growth of new cells since it contains what is called allantoin. Because Comfrey is a cooling herb, people have good success using comfrey poultices for healing burns. This herb draws out the heat, and regenerate damaged cells.
What is the best way to use comfrey root? Make a poultice: blend the plant with water to make a herbal bandage (1 tea spoon of powdered comfrey in 8 oz of water).
Goldenseal: a topical antibiotic for burns
Goldenseal is used as a topical antibiotic. Originally used by Native Americans for skin disorders and other health complaints, it has gained in popularity and has been used for wound healing and many other kinds of infection. Goldenseal contains berberine that possesses strong activity against a wide variety of bacteria and fungi. This plant has a soothing effect on inflamed skin.
How to treat burns with Goldenseal? Apply a cream, ointment, or powder on burn several times a day. Cautious: Goldenseal should not be taken by pregnant women or by people with high blood pressure.
Tea tree oil : tissue healing
Tea tree oil is the essential oil from the leaves of the Australian Melaleuca alternifolia tree. It has strong antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Tea Tree promotes tissue healing and helps soothe burned skin.
How do you treat a burn with tea tree oil? Dilute this essential oil with water and apply externally to burned skin 2 - 3 times a day. Tea tree oil can also be found in a cream combined with calendula flowers extract. It is safe for children.
Note: Make sure to clean the wound at least once a day before applying any herbal treatment. It is advisable to take herbal remedies under the guidance of a knowledgeable health professional.
Disclaimer: This article is for informational and educational purpose only. Because burned skin can have serious consequences depending on the degree of severity, please consult a practitioner. For third-degree burns, do not try to treat the injury, as it requires immediate professional treatment.
If you need to know more about burn remedies: other natural remedies for burns and nutritional advice

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Fiber and How it Eliminate Constipation


A diet with 40 grams of fiber provides protection and prevention against diseases such as kidney stones, varicose veins, obesity, heart disease, appendicitis, colon disease, diabetes, appendicitis, diverticulitis, and constipation.

When you eat fiber, it passes into your colon without getting digested in the small intestine. The good bacteria will use some of it as food, which makes them stronger, able to multiply, and keep bad bacteria in check.

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Fastest way to heal wounds with natural remedies


To speed the wound healing process, you need to understand what is involved in wound healing. There are three phases: the inflammatory, proliferative, and remodeling phases. What happens in the healing process is a growth of millions of tiny blood vessels producing new capillaries. Wound edges are then pulled together and in the last phase, new collagen forms. Time may heal all wounds. But to encourage this to happen faster,there are several things that can be done.

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